“ADHD Ages & Stages Part 3: Common Challenges and Practical Strategies for Adults with ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #376]
Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#376), download the slide presentation, and learn how to get a certificate of attendance for this ADHD Experts webinar originally broadcast on October 20, 2021.
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Episode Description
ADHD is a chronic, life-long condition, one that impacts individuals through school years and into their adult lives, even into retirement. The challenges ADHD presents are forever changing. Adults with ADHD struggle with relationships, emotional dysregulation, succeeding in the workplace, disorganization, and feelings of shame.
In the last of this three-part webinar series, certified coach and counselor Meg Leahy offers practical strategies for adults with ADHD and the people who support them. She will discuss common challenges and provide insights, skills, strategies, and resources that deliver results.
You will learn to:
- Identify how ADHD manifests at home, work, school, and in relationships during adulthood
- Determine how self-concept and relationships are enhanced through clarification of ADHD challenges for adults, both previously and newly diagnosed
- Examine the demands of adulthood and the impact that ADHD has on individuals with ADHD and their partners, families, coworkers, and friends
- Discover research-based strategies and resources that provide the building blocks necessary to navigate the adult world successfully while maintaining healthy self-esteem
- Understand how and when interventions (medical, therapeutic, coaching) should be used for maximum benefit
Watch the Video Replay
Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.
Download or Stream the Podcast Audio
Click the play button below to listen to this episode directly in your browser, click the symbol to download to listen later, or open in your podcasts app: Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Stitcher; Spotify; Amazon Music; iHeartRADIO.
More on ADHD in Adults
ADHD Ages & Stages on ADDitude
Access more articles from ADDitude’s 5-part “Ages & Stages” series exploring common ADHD-related challenges through the lifecycle, along with strategies and treatments for each:
- Ages & Stages Part 1: ADHD in Children
- Ages & Stages Part 2: ADHD in Teens
- Ages & Stages Part 3: ADHD in Young Adults
- Ages & Stages Part 4: ADHD in Adults
- Ages & Stages Part 5: ADHD Medication List
Download the Full Ages & Stages of ADHD Booklet
Watch the first and second webinars in the Ages & Stages series:
- Part 1: Strategies for Children with ADHD
- Part 2: Practical Strategies for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD
Obtain a Certificate of Attendance
If you attended the live webinar on October 20, 2021, watched the video replay, or listened to the podcast, you may purchase a certificate of attendance option (cost: $10). Note: ADDitude does not offer CEU credits. Click here to purchase the certificate of attendance option »
Meet the Expert Speaker:
Meg Leahy, MS, NCC, BCC is a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Board Certified Coach (BCC) with special certifications in life, leadership, and career coaching. An educator, counselor, coach, author, and mentor for 20+ years, Meg believes in providing the skills, understanding, and resources to help people change their lives. She is the co-author of two editions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Throughout the Lifespan (#CommissionsEarned) and has written numerous articles, blogs, and webinars on ADHD and other mental health issues.
Meg worked with college students and adults as a Clinical Associate in the Adult ADHD Treatment and Research Program in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and a mentor in the Macy Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program at Drexel University. For more information, visit leahylearning.com.
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Listener Testimonials
“This was so helpful to me. I’ve finally started to understand my brain a lot better and I wish to seek help.”
“Very informative and covered a good range of issues/aspects of adult ADHD; I like how she covered the whole lifespan, the evolution of symptoms, which is so important to understand. I also like her suggestions, and resource recommendations.”
“Thank you. It is so strange to learn that my struggles are real and that there is a name for it. And strategies to figure it all out.”
Webinar Sponsor
The sponsor of this week’s ADDitude webinar is….
Accentrate110® is a dietary supplement formulated to address the nutritional deficiencies known to be associated with ADHD. Accentrate110® supports attention, memory, and focus for teens and adults over 110 lbs. www.fenixhealthscience.com
ADDitude thanks our sponsors for supporting our webinars. Sponsorship has no influence on speaker selection or webinar content.
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Video Replay + Slide Access
Enter your email address below to watch the video replay and download the slide presentation, plus get strategies from ADDitude via email.
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