Choosing Treatment
The treatment options for adults with ADHD are multiplying. In addition to popular stimulant and non-stimulant medications, many individuals choose to use meditation, nutrition, exercise, and brain training to improve their symptoms. Learn about these and other therapies here.
Popular in Choosing Treatment
Stimulant Medications for the Treatment of ADHD
This comprehensive chart, created by Dr. Andrew Adesman at Northwell Health, compares and contrasts...
Managing Treatment
The DESIRE to Manage Your ADHD
Five important steps for getting started on the path to managing...
How Do I Choose the Best ADHD Medication?
Can You Make It Without ADHD Medication?
ADHD medication can help immensely when used properly, but some patients prefer to try alternative...
Choosing Professionals
Doctor? Psychologist? Therapist? Someone Else? How to Find the Best ADHD Treatment Professional
The treatment landscape for ADHD is shifting rapidly. No longer are we relying exclusively on primary...
ADHD News & Research
Parents are Decreasing Their Kids’ ADHD Medications — and Increasing Their Own
According to the latest ADDitude survey, almost one-third of ADDitude readers are making changes to...
Natural Remedies for ADHD
ADHD Treatment — Without Medication? Alternative Treatment FAQ
Do "alternative" ADHD therapies actually work? Can we treat our child's ADHD without medication?...
ADHD Diet & Nutrition
The ADHD Food Fix
What are the healthiest foods and supplements for an ADHD brain? Studies show that a high-protein,...
ADHD Medication & Treatment
ADHD Treatment: Medication, Diet, Therapy & More Options
The best ADHD treatment plan may include medication, behavior therapy, a clean diet, vitamins and...
When and How Should We Adjust Treatment?
"Will I Ever Find a Treatment Plan That Works?"
How do I find the best medication? Then adjust the dose? And what if it still doesn’t ‘fix’ all of my...
Brain Training
Can Hypnotherapy Treat Symptoms of ADHD?
If you're looking for an alternative way to treat ADHD symptoms like anxiety, hyperactivity, and...
How Do I Manage Medication Side Effects?
10 Things Your Doctor May Not Have Told You About ADHD Medications
Some ADHD medications wear off too early. Or suppress appetite. Or make you jittery. Here, doctors...
Brain Training
What Is Neurofeedback? And Does It Actually Work for ADHD?
Can neurofeedback really help your child build stronger focus and attention? That's what some experts...
ADHD Diet & Nutrition
What If Paleo Really Is the Answer?
Studies show that a high-protein, low-sugar, no-additive diet, combined with ADHD-friendly...
Can We Treat ADHD Naturally?
Green Time: A Natural Remedy for ADHD Symptoms
Can attention deficit symptoms be eased by alternative ADHD treatments like exercise? Research shows...
Ask the Experts
Making the Switch: Trying a New ADHD Medication
Feel like your or your child's ADHD medication isn't the best choice? Learn how to transition to a...