Symptom Tests

[Quiz] How Well Do You Know Special-Ed Law?

Schools don’t always follow the law when providing accommodations for children protected under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Do you know which special-education services children with ADHD and LD are entitled to?

Test your knowledge of special-education law for children with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD).

Schools cannot require students with ADHD to take stimulant medication in order to qualify for special education or other services. 

Students with ADHD may qualify for one-on-one aides, bus transportation, or other more intensive or expensive services in the classroom.

Teachers cannot decide whether they will implement an IEP or 504 Plan, or whether they will teach a student with a disability like ADHD. 

Schools may require parents to sign a waiver of liability before agreeing to administer medication at school.

ADHD does not qualify as a disability.

Students with 504 Plans are entitled to accommodations — like preferential seating or un-timed tests — but not to services.

Students with ADHD may qualify for a positive behavior support plan even if they aren't exhibiting disruptive or inappropriate behavior. 

Schools may require a medical diagnosis of ADHD at the parents’ expense prior to proceeding with an evaluation for special education or a 504 Plan.

To qualify for eligibility under IDEA or Section 504, a student does not need a doctor's diagnosis. 

ADHD students with passing grades or adequate achievement scores may qualify for a Section 504 Plan, but not an IEP.

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Special-Ed Law: Next Steps

1. Download: Your Free Guide to Laws Protecting Students with ADHD and LD
2. Take This Test: Can You Distinguish Between ADHD and Learning Disabilities?
3. Take This Test: Full ADHD Symptom Test for Children
4. Take This Test: Autism Symptom Test for Children
5. Take This Test: Could My Child Have a Learning Disability?
6. Take This Test: Does My Child Have Dyslexia?