Does My Child Have a Language Processing Disorder?
Children learn to talk over a period of several years by listening to and interacting with their parents, siblings, and others around them. Some children, however, don’t progress through the natural stages of language development, and may struggle to make themselves understood or to understand what others are saying. Some of these kids are just “late talkers,” but others may have a language disorder. If your child doesn’t seem to be talking or understanding at the same rate as his peers, you may be right to be concerned — and you likely want to consider a speech and language evaluation.
Language disorders can be expressive — meaning your child will struggle to say what he’s thinking or to make himself understood. They may also be receptive — meaning your child will struggle to understand what others are saying to him. It’s possible to have both an expressive and a receptive language disorder. And since language is an integral part of how we cultivate relationships and present ourselves to the world, it’s imperative that you seek an evaluation for your child as soon as you notice delays.
Use this self-test to see if your child may be showing signs similar to those of an expressive or receptive language disorder. Keep in mind that one or two warning signs do not mean your child has a language disorder, but it might indicate that you should talk with your doctor about your child’s development. Also, keep in mind that not every language disorder is developmental. In rare cases, a language disorder can develop after a traumatic brain event like a stroke, a head injury, or a neurological illness.
This screening test is designed to determine whether your child shows symptoms similar to those of language processing disorders. This test is not intended to diagnose or to replace the care of a speech and language professional. If you have concerns about the possibility of language disorders, see a trained healthcare professional for diagnosis.
Created from criteria from the Learning Disabilities Association of America.