Many parents are reluctant to pursue an ADHD evaluation because of concerns around medication and treatment. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you will, in all likelihood, end the evaluation with a conversation about ADHD medication.
As overwhelming as the topic may be, please know that the science is in 100% agreement that ADHD medication is a well-established and effective treatment for children. The AAP also recommends medication as a first-line treatment for ADHD in children ages 6 and up (along with behavioral parent training and/or educational interventions).1
Still, you will need to follow your own journey and process of learning about ADHD medication and other treatment options. There is no universally right answer.
Childhood ADHD Evaluation: Next Steps
The content for this article was derived, in part, from the ADDitude ADHD Experts webinar titled, “The Right Questions to Ask Before, During, and After an ADHD Diagnosis” [Video Replay & Podcast #421] with Norrine Russell, Ph.D., which was broadcast on September 15, 2022.
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1 Wolraich, M. L., Hagan, J. F., Jr, Allan, C., Chan, E., Davison, D., Earls, M., Evans, S. W., Flinn, S. K., Froehlich, T., Frost, J., Holbrook, J. R., Lehmann, C. U., Lessin, H. R., Okechukwu, K., Pierce, K. L., Winner, J. D., Zurhellen, W., & SUBCOMMITTEE ON CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS WITH ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVE DISORDER (2019). Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics, 144(4), e20192528.