ADHD Symptoms in Adults
ADHD symptoms look different in adults. With age, hyperactivity turns to disorganization, distractibility, and even mood disorders — which can lead to a misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment. Learn the signs of ADD in adults here.
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ADHD Videos
The Neuroscience of the ADHD Brain
Truths about the ADHD brain that most people don’t ...
ADHD Diagnosis in Adults
I Think I Have ADHD: Adult Symptom & Diagnosis Guide
Could you have adult ADHD? If you suspect that your lifelong struggles with memory, focus, or...
ADHD in Women
"That Explains Everything!" Discovering My ADHD in Adulthood
"Many women with undiagnosed ADHD may cruise along until, as in my case, things start to fall apart....
ADHD in Women
Is it ADHD or Menopause?
Menopause affects memory, attention, and relationships as women get older — but that doesn't mean...
ADHD in Women
ADHD Looks Different in Women
ADHD impacts both genders equally, but outdated stereotypes leave too many women undiagnosed and...
Executive Dysfunction
The Adult ADHD Mind: Executive Function Connections
A chef who can't find her ingredients. An orchestra trying to play without a conductor. Thomas Brown,...
ADHD Symptoms in Adults
Signs of Adult ADHD? Or Old Age?
Your brain is foggy. You’re forgetful. You just feel mentally slower. Are these signs of normal...
ADHD Symptoms in Adults
Inside the Aging ADHD Brain
The latest research on how the ADHD brain changes over time. Plus the differences among normal aging,...
Types of ADHD & ADD
What Is ADD? Inattentive ADHD Explained
Inattentive ADHD (often called ADD) manifests as forgetfulness, disengagement, or distractibility,...
ADHD in Women
ADHD in Women Symptom Checklist
ADHD in women often goes undiagnosed. Too many women grew up being called lazy, selfish, spacey, or...
Choosing Professionals
Choosing a Professional to Diagnose and Treat Your ADHD
Who can diagnose ADHD in adults? Many professionals claim they understand attention deficit...
ADHD Diagnosis in Adults
Better Late Than Never: Adults with ADHD
Why it's important to seek an ADHD diagnosis and treatment — even i...
ADHD Diagnosis in Adults
The Dangers of Undiagnosed Adult ADHD
Getting the right diagnosis and proper treatment can save a life. Why it is imperative that we...
ADHD Symptoms in Adults
“Suddenly, a Lifetime of Struggles Made Sense”
Lazy. Slow. Disorganized. Selfish. Too many adults spend their lives feeling defective, when really...