ADHD Apps & Tools
Recommended mobile apps and tools designed to help manage ADHD symptoms including inattention, distractibility, disorganization, poor time management, and impulsivity in children and adults. Ready to download?
Popular in ADHD Apps & Tools
Products We Love
15 Apps, Tools, and Gadgets for ADHD Brains
We surveyed ADDitude readers about their favorite apps, tools, and strategies to help them manage...
ADHD Apps & Tools
You’re Wasting Time. These Apps Can Help.
You know what needs to get done. But on the path from Point A to Point B, so many distractions and...
Adult Blogs
“My Period-Tracking App Helps Me Manage My ADHD. What Do I Do Post-Roe?”
"Even if these concerns are unfounded, it is endlessly frustrating that I’m on edge and can’t expect...
Products We Love
12 Meditation Apps & Tools for Lifting Pandemic Anxiety
Pandemic anxiety is pervasive and seemingly unavoidable. Thankfully, these free and paid apps for...
Ask the Experts
Q: “I Am a Low-Tech Person Who Needs Help Getting Things Done.”
Sure, adults with ADHD can use fancy high-tech tools to help manage and organize their lives. But all...
Productivity & Time Management Products
8 Paper Planners We Love
OK, that’s an exaggeration, we admit. But according to an overwhelming majority of ADDitude readers,...
Time & Productivity
10 Ways to Actually Beat Deadlines
Deadline. It just sounds ominous, doesn't it? But take heart: You can tackle any project with these...
Emotions & Shame
Restart Your Brain: ADHD-Friendly Tools for Handling Emotional Stress
People with ADHD experience the constant, corrosive emotional drain of wondering what's wrong with...
ADHD Apps & Tools
Sleep Solutions in Your Back Pocket
70 percent of adults with ADHD spend at least one hour trying to fall asleep each night. These mobile...
ADHD Apps & Tools
4 Miraculously Motivating Productivity Apps
Tackle your to-do list (digital-style!) with these smart productivity apps — like EpicWin and Task...
ADHD Apps & Tools
The Get-Organized Secret That’s Already in Your Pocket
ADDitude readers sound off on the ADHD tools that work for them — smartphones, apps, and cellphones,...
Time & Productivity
Time After Time: Staying On Track With Planners
Life is busy and staying on track can be tough — especially when you have ADHD. Learn more about...
Home Organization
75 Life Tricks for Women with ADHD
Tips and tricks won’t cure ADHD, but some fresh insight and ideas — from two women with ADHD who have...
Free Downloads
Better Than Counting Sheep! Your Free Guide to Sleeping Better
According to one study, 70 percent of adults with ADHD spend more than one hour trying to fall asleep...
ADHD Apps & Tools
How to Beat the Clock with High-Tech Timers
Get organized and stay on time with two ADDitude-approved timers. Whether you lose track of time or...