Comments on: 16 Good Jobs for Creative & Restless ADHD Brains ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Mon, 01 Apr 2024 18:36:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: ADHD44 Wed, 20 Oct 2021 08:15:37 +0000 If you love teaching and performing it’s a great recommendation as teaching might motivate you to overcome your obstacles. But on the other hand, you are constantly highly stimulated by smells, sounds, and colours. This can lead to a constant sensory overload. And if you are highly social setting boundaries can become a problem, too. Plus you have to structure for others while probably having problems with structuring yourself, e.g. with punctuality. Just keep that in mind when you think about teaching as a possibility. Maybe a private school with smaller classes or even specialization in neurodiversity may be better for you.

By: Bandoracer Sat, 18 Sep 2021 14:43:38 +0000 I made a career as a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural reporter. Every day had new commodities, packaging or other factors that always kept me curious. I made very detailed daily reports on the price and movement of fresh foods across the nation.

By: TIM DALY Sat, 18 Sep 2021 11:50:55 +0000 I really struggle to run a business of my own. Wearing the different hats of lead generation, sales, operations and finances is just too much for me to be able to switch focus easily. In fact, I discovered I had ADHD was a result of my frustration and wondering why others could make it look so easy.

Looking back at my career, the most successful times were when I worked for someone else who could attend to the other responsibilities and I could focus on what I was employed to do.

By: Eeight Fri, 12 Mar 2021 21:25:14 +0000 @Karifutan
I’m genuinely confused by every aspect of your comment.

By: nunya2020 Thu, 12 Mar 2020 12:30:29 +0000 I believe that we are all capable of what ever we chose. Add and Adhd do not define us. People have some symptoms but not all. Some are more severe than others. Some are on medicine and others are not. Just like people who don’t have ANY disorders or conditions, we are all different and adhd doesn’t mean we all fit into a cookie cutter category. All people with adhd will not be exactly the same. You may have difficulties where I don’t, and vice versa. My point is I’m tired of people at my job making comments about multitasking and paying attention to detail when they are around me. I may have adhd but I am being treated for it and I personally CAN multitask and pay attention to detail. It was essential to all my previous positions. I fear that this day in age everyone connected to eachother in one way or another on social media, the fact that i have adhd will be general knowledge locally and I will never be given an opportunity to find employment in jobs I am extremely qualified for because of these misconceptions about people with adhd. They will say , she can’t multitask and has poor attention to detail. I guess I’m just asking that those of us who truly do have this diagnoses don’t put information out there that is hurtful to us all in general. If you yourself find that you can’t do anything but play video games that’s YOUR experience , not mine and that will encourage these negative and incorrect assumptions and stereotypes about people with adhd. If anyone is having that severe of issues its quite possible you’ve got more going on then JUST adhd or add. You may have a comorbid condition such as depression or anxiety. We also need to be honest with ourselves. If we are not succeeding with our plans our frustrations may lead to self medicating, in that case , that could be adding to the “symptoms”. My issues aren’t as severe and I don’t want potential employers thinking I wouldn’t be a good fit to a job based on misinformation. To those of you who KNOW we can do what anyone else can do, stay strong and keep your head up. To those of you who think we couldn’t be a journalist or an entrepreneur; I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find the strength inside yourself to get some help and start living life .

By: TeacherA Tue, 31 Dec 2019 13:44:47 +0000 I really need to add my two cents because I have been through several careers so I speak from experience. I really want to help young people and their parents who are searching for the best career fit. There are a few ways to look at the career you choose. My brother who is extremely intelligent, also has ADHD but with very low executive functioning so I can tell you a bit about both of our experiences. I was able to get through university and a professional post graduate program. I worked in healthcare for eight years. I loved the busy days of seeing many patients. I was challenged both mentally and physically. The problem came from going into business for myself. I do not agree that entrepreneurship is good for everyone with ADHD. And you can’t just hire people to cover every aspect that doesn’t work for you because that is not feasible in every situation. The stress of hiring people, organizing an office, purchasing supplies, accounting, etc. just weighed me down so much and I couldn’t afford to hire people to handle those tasks, so I had to leave. I should have just gone to work for someone else either as an employee or even independent contractor and just worried about myself. But instead I made the huge mistake of going into teaching. I thought that being an employee with set hours would be less stressful but the teaching profession is not what people think. There is so much organizing, planning, paperwork, etc which is a nightmare if you have issues with executive functioning. I totally agree with another comment “Personally, I have fouwnd general teenage angst, emotional randomness, and emotional neediness, to be very demanding on my executive functioning – too many triggers.” to be so true and bang on. Regular classroom teaching from grades 4-12 is stifling and soul crushing. I can see JK/SK or daycare being possible options if you’re a kid at heart, not sure about grades 1-3 because you’re teaching them to read, write, count and parents are all over you during those years. If you really want to teach, this is the route I highly recommend. Either be a phys-ed/art/music teacher OR go into it as a second career and go the Tech teacher route. Starting with the classrooms, you might be in a shop, a simulated hair/esthetician/hospital room situation. You do way more field trips and bring in guest lecturers. You may move into a coop teacher role more easily. I’ve moved around in teaching until I found this option and it’s the only one at the high school level that worked for me.
My brother found that what works best for him was a technical job without any paperwork. He operates machinery at a large company. He likes that he goes in for his shift, does a job that he is good at, but that he can completely walk away from at the end of the shift. Once he leaves work he is completely free to do what he loves and not think about work at all. The only restrictions with this is the set hours, but the lack of paperwork and planning works well for his low executive functioning so he doesn’t mind the shifts. The education level for jobs like his can range from skilled trades, college level all the way to university level so regardless of your aptitude you can find jobs like his.
I really hope this helps people looking at careers. If you have any questions let me know.

By: rlsteward Sun, 25 Aug 2019 06:19:50 +0000 In reply to pitipua62.

This area really interests me, but I would be quite worried that I might make an error, or get very emotionally involved with a customer / patient / client. how do you find this aspect of for job? Also, I would expect that you have to have a really broad vocabulary to manage all of these types of topics. Are you bilingual? Or did you learn your languages separately?

By: Karifutan Sun, 21 Jul 2019 14:40:09 +0000 In reply to Eeight.


I find it interesting that you took time to write a whole page discouraging a person from their career. Why you would take you time to do so is beyond me. you say you are a teacher but you sound like a bully to me.

By: DebbieClark Thu, 30 May 2019 00:28:38 +0000 Before discrediting any of the above I think it’s important to remember everyone is different and each of these jobs have similar requirements but are remarkably different from one another. Not to mention additional variables that would impact the ability to work in certain roles. When looking at employment I’ve always thought it was important to consider what that job requires, what sort of situations I might face how I would deal with them etc. Ideally knowing your limits and utilising your strengths, I think that if the downside to an employment is not something you find difficult or struggle with then bash on and make full use of the gifts ADHD/ADD does have.

By: Dayeanu Wed, 29 May 2019 15:56:54 +0000 In reply to Eeight.


I tried teaching at college level.

Everything was fine until I had a surly student…. Or I had to do… Paperwork.
You know – grading papers and reporting grades…..

By: alyciaann88 Wed, 20 Mar 2019 18:16:42 +0000 In reply to suemedrano.

Just wanted to say I was a hairdresser and I found it hard to stay focused on cutting someone’s hair. I eventually got a job and a small following but it definitely is very hit or miss. I actually make more money working in food service nowadays then I do doing hair!

The industry is also very cut throat and over saturated. And I’m sorry most women with ADD don’t get along with other women.

Please don’t go into hairdressing

By: addiedstuart Tue, 14 Aug 2018 17:59:42 +0000 In reply to reln.

I agree completely!
Analysis Paralysis is what I suffer from!
I spend so much time PLANNING every detail of my day, & getting distracted by every rabbit trail I see, that my day is gone!
I research something on the internet (ex. Kijiji or ebay) until the item I wanted is already SOLD!
Entrepreneurial home business won’t work for me because I would give everyone such a good deal, I’d be bankrupt!

By: alijne Mon, 09 Jul 2018 21:59:11 +0000 In reply to pitipua62.

I am trilingual and would love to do something like that! Do you have any tips or resources on how/from where I could start?

By: Anderz Sun, 08 Jul 2018 16:39:27 +0000 All of the above seems like pie-in-the-sky to me.

I believe that I’ve had some kind of a disorder that may or may not be ADHD, for all of my life. [I’m 43 this month]. Only I’ve been so crippled by it that I have never been able to complete any kind of vocational training, required for all of the careers listed above; and indeed have managed to screw up penny-ante jobs such as bartender, waiter, even kitchen porter. Washing friggin’ dishes! Couldn’t keep up. I recently tried being a relief mailman. Couldn’t mind-map the route, and couldn’t use the PDA I was given.

At this point I’m scared to death of a future even bleaker than the past, and there appears to be very little to be done about it.

So it seems to me that if people have managed to carve out a successful career and a satisfying life, then their ‘attention deficit’ is more of a hobby than a disorder.


By: Eeight Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:49:54 +0000 In reply to pd.

Interesting point, PD.

I think one of the reasons I disliked teaching in public schools was the static environment you mention; more, in the smaller schools I taught in, I had the same students for years. College, with different classrooms in different buildings for most classes and new students every term, made being a instructor more interesting for me.
