“My Child Is Being Bullied at School!” [Video Replay & Podcast #155]

Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#155), and download the slide presentation for this ADHD Experts webinar originally broadcast on July 27, 2016.

Episode Description

Children with ADHD are often prime targets for school bullies — in class, at lunch, and during recess. They may draw a bully’s attention by receiving classroom accommodations, exhibiting weak social skills, or just being “different.” Kids who are bullied often come to dread going to school; they also suffer low self-esteem, grades, and academic performance. In other words, this is a serious problem.

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

Download or Stream the Podcast Audio

Click the play button below to listen in your browser. Mobile users can open this episode in: Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRADIO.

Read More on Bullying

Meet the Expert Speaker

Dr. Michele Borba is an internationally recognized educational psychologist and an expert in parenting, bullying, and character development. She is also a former special education teacher and mom of three. Dr. Borba is the author of 22 books, her latest, released this June, is UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World. The book’s content is the basis for her webinar today. You can find out more about Dr. Borba on her website, micheleborba.com. or follow her on twitter @micheleborba.

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