“Top 10 IEP & 504 Plan Problems: A Troubleshooting Guide” [Video Replay and Podcast #391]

Access the video replay, listen to the podcast episode (#391), download the slide presentation, and learn how to get a certificate of attendance for this ADHD Experts webinar originally broadcast on March 8, 2022.

Episode Description

Parenting a student with an IEP or 504 Plan sometimes feels like playing a game of “Whack-a-Mole” – resolve one issue, and another one pops up screaming for attention.

You work hard to ensure that your student is getting the best possible education, with a full array of appropriate supports and services, and it’s not easy. Sometimes, schools balk at setting up an IEP or 504 Plan. Other times, a student’s IEP or 504 just isn’t working. And, often, what worked last year is no longer leveling the playing field. When you add in related problems, like schools refusing to evaluate students with suspected disabilities or doing poor evaluations that don’t pinpoint what a student needs to succeed, things get even more complicated.

The IDEA (which provides for IEPs) and Section 504 share many similarities, but they also differ in a number of important ways. Parents need to have a firm understanding of each of these two avenues for school accommodations and services — and a roadmap for what to do when things don’t go right. Only when parents understand their legal rights, the provisions of these two laws, and when and where each is available, can they take the steps to help their child get what they need to succeed.

In this webinar, we will look at the top 10 issues that parents encounter with IEPs and 504 Plans. Parents will get answers to these common questions:

  • How are an IEP and a 504 Plan similar — and different?
  • How can I get the school to evaluate my child?
  • Which program is best for my child?
  • What can I do if my child’s IEP or 504 Plan isn’t working?
  • What if my child has a teacher who is not following their IEP or 504 Plan?
  • How can I make sure the school sets the right goals for my child’s education? And how will those goals be measured?
  • What kind of accommodations and supports can I expect from each law?
  • Do IEPs and 504 Plans apply to students in private schools?
  • How can I decide which of these laws can best help my child?

Watch the Video Replay

Enter your email address in the box above labeled “Video Replay + Slide Access” to watch the video replay (closed captions available) and download the slide presentation.

Download or Stream the Podcast Audio

Click the play button below to listen to this episode directly in your browser, click the symbol to download to listen later, or open in your podcasts app: Apple Podcasts; Google Podcasts; Stitcher; Spotify; Amazon Music; iHeartRADIO.

More on IEPs and 504 Plans

Obtain a Certificate of Attendance

If you attended the live webinar on March 8, 2022, watched the video replay, or listened to the podcast, you may purchase a certificate of attendance option (cost: $10). Note: ADDitude does not offer CEU credits. Click here to purchase the certificate of attendance option »

Meet the Expert Speaker:

Susan Yellin, Esq., is the Director of Advocacy and Transition Services at The Yellin Center for Mind, Brain, and Education, an innovative learning support and diagnostic practice in New York City. She co-authored the award-winning book, Life After High School: A Guide for Students with Disabilities and Their Families (#CommissionsEarned), and was the founding director of The Center for Learning Differences, a nonprofit dedicated to helping families dealing with learning and attention difficulties find resources in their communities.

#CommissionsEarned As an Amazon Associate, ADDitude earns a commission from qualifying purchases made by ADDitude readers on the affiliate links we share.

Listener Testimonials

“It was full of information, well organized, and to the point. Excellent to reinforce knowledge, and a good resource for parents.”

“Outstanding speaker. Her explanations were so clear and concise.”

“Just wishing that I learned all this much sooner! Thank you so much!”

Webinar Sponsor

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Brain Balance is a holistic cognitive development program designed to help kids with ADHD, Learning Differences, Anxiety & beyond. An exploratory study with Harvard’s McLean Hospital found the Brain Balance Program to be as effective as low-dose stimulant medication in alleviating ADHD symptoms in children. Visit brainbalance.com to learn more about Brain Balance today.

ADDitude thanks our sponsors for supporting our webinars. Sponsorship has no influence on speaker selection or webinar content.

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