Stop Procrastinating
Do you procrastinate? Yeah, we know. Learn how to stop putting off important tasks, and how to start prioritizing and accomplishing tasks at work and at home that will reduce your stress and increase your productivity.
Popular in Stop Procrastinating
Stop Procrastinating
Stop. Procrastinating. Now.
Some days, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get started. Here's how to stop procrastinating...
How to Prioritize
13 Ways to Beat ADHD Paralysis
Are you frozen somewhere between, “There’s too much information to consider” and “I can’t make up my...
Time & Productivity
10 Productivity Hacks for Getting Things Done with an ADHD Brain
Can you improve your productivity? Absolutely. How? By employing to-do lists, brain dumps, and these...
Stop Procrastinating
Q: “I Am Fraught with Guilt and Shame When I Procrastinate”
“Procrastination is troubling because we recognize that we have made the decision to needlessly delay...
Sleep & Mornings
How to Break the Exhausting Habit of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
Revenge bedtime procrastination is an onerous name for a simple (and common) phenomenon: putting off...
Time & Productivity
Popular Productivity Advice That Torpedoes the ADHD Brain
You know those best-selling productivity hacks that everyone swears by? Most of them don’t work for...
Stop Procrastinating
Why Do I Procrastinate? ADHD Excuses — and Solutions
We've heard all of your excuses and we know what they really are: ADHD procrastination incarnate....
Stop Procrastinating
“Take the First Sloppy Step”
Do you find yourself always putting tasks off until the last minute? Stop letting procrastination...
Time & Productivity
How to Get Things Done Without Getting Bogged Down
What's keeping you from crossing things off your to-do list? Learn how to get things done with these...
Time & Productivity
Productivity Rules for ADHD Brains Stuck at Work
Focus. Prioritize. Delegate. These are the standard rules of productivity. And they don't work for...
Stop Procrastinating
When Procrastination Is OK
Can't find the focus to do what you've planned? Put things off the right way to improve your pr...
Time & Productivity
10 Ways to Actually Beat Deadlines
Deadline. It just sounds ominous, doesn't it? But take heart: You can tackle any project with these...
Productivity at Work
8 No-Fail Focus Tricks for Adults with ADHD
Reduce distractions at the office and at home with eight simple tips, from setting realistic goals to...
Stop Procrastinating
What Causes Procrastination? And What Causes It to Stop?
What causes procrastination? Overwhelm, perfectionism, lack of clarity, and other reasons contribute...
ADHD at Work
9 to 5 with ADD: Practical Work Strategies for Clever ADHD Brains
What jobs are best for ADHD brains? What workplace accommodations help the most? How do I stop...