For Teachers Easily Distracted? How to Tune Out Distractions & Focus on School Children with ADHD experience a lower level of brain arousal, which means they are easily distracted...
For Teachers How to Help ADHD Brains Follow Directions the First Time To follow directions, students with ADHD must hear and understand classroom instructions. Use these...
School Behavior How to Solve 8 Common Behavior Problems in the Classroom Incessant pen clicking. Lashing out when things go wrong. Lying. And other classroom behavior...
Organization The Messy Student's Guide to Organization Chaotic desk? Forgotten homework? Missed deadlines? Your child needs these ADHD organizing tips ASAP...
High School 50 High School Accommodations for Every ADHD Challenge The right to a level playing field doesn’t end after elementary school. Here are some of the most...
Homework & Studying The ADHD Homework System We Swear By Homework stress is real — and exhausting for parents and students alike. Spare your family the drama...
ADHD in College 5 Factors That Influence Success in College Teens with attention deficit will be college ready if they learn these five skills in h...
Diagnosing LD Everything You Never Knew About Learning Disabilities Learning disabilities come in many disguises, last a lifetime, and can't be "cured." The key to...
For Teachers Improving Parent-Teacher Communication How to defuse tensions, maximize benefits and minimize stress at parent-teacher c...
Ask the Experts Could It Be A Learning Disability? An ADHD diagnosis isn't always the answer. Learn how certain red flags, like an inability to...
Parent-Teacher Cooperation Positive Teaching Strategies to Uplift Students with ADHD Great teachers know that saying the right words in the right way can turn a defeated student into a...
Ask the Experts Q: What High School Accommodations Make the Biggest Impact? ADHD symptoms shift throughout adolescence, which means the school accommodations that helped your...
Afternoons Two Ws and an H: Establishing a Homework Routine Tired of disorganization when it comes to your child's homework routine? Learn how answering "When?...
Learning Challenges What’s Your Child’s Cognitive Learning Style? Whether they're an analytic or a global learner, these homework and study tips will make the most of...
Organization Calendars, Clocks, and Confidence: School Organization Tips When ADHD or learning disabilities are involved, organization challenges can go from tough to...