Chores & Cleaning Up
Chores do more than battle clutter. They can help kids with ADHD develop organization and time-management skills, plus higher self-esteem as they receive recognition for a job well done.
Popular in Chores & Cleaning Up
Ask the Experts
Q: “Are My Kids’ Messy Rooms a Sign of Laziness or Weak Executive Functioning Skills?”
“Requests like ‘clean your room’ or ‘organize your closets’ may be too vague for kids with weak...
Guest Blogs
Procrastination Busters for Our Kids
When our kids are in that faraway Zen place where they are hyperfocused on an activity that gives...
Rewards & Consequences
Nudge, Don’t Nag: 9 Ways to Motivate Your Child to Do Well
Nine ways to get your child with ADHD to the starting line — and to finally cross over the finish...
Ask the Experts
Dear Organizing Coach: The Unsanitary Bedroom Problem
Most children's bedrooms are a little messy, despite parents' nagging. But when they cross the line...
Teens with ADHD
Have a Teen with ADHD? Encourage Communication & Avoid the Drama
When it comes to parenting a teen with ADHD, communication is key. Make both of your lives easier...
Chores & Cleaning Up
Parents Share: Getting a Child to Help With Housework
How do you get your child to help out around the house? Real parents share their ADHD-friendly trick...
Guest Blogs
“Hallelujah! My Son Cleaned His Room”
Use these tips to nudge your child with autism spectrum disorder into responsibility and ind...
Managing Time
Be On Time! How to Teach Sequence and Schedules
Most children — with or without ADHD — struggle to organize and manage their time effectively. Here,...
Choosing Professionals
What If You Could Hire a Life-with-ADHD Coach?
Your ADHD medication helps with focus and impulsitivity — but you still struggle with time...
Self Esteem
How to Build Your Child's Self Esteem: ADHD Confidence Tips
Low self esteem is a common problem among children with ADHD who are corrected, punished, and teased...
Chores & Cleaning Up
Less Messy in 30 Days!
Tired of the screaming matches over your kid's messy room? Try this month-long plan for organizing...
Ask the Experts
Dear Organizing Coach: The LEGOs Everywhere, All the Time Problem
Does your child need constant reminders to clean up her room, brush her teeth, or put her LEGOs away?...
Chores & Cleaning Up
Sports Equipment Blues
How to organize your family's sports equipment in a fun, pra...
Ask the Experts
Dear Organizing Coach: The Cramped Space Problem
Two teens + one bedroom + ADHD = serious clutter and stress. Here's how parents can help their...
Chores & Cleaning Up
Because I Said So!
How to end the bickering and nagging, and motivate your child to finish his boring-but-oh-so-import...